Revision History page. To be updated as changes are made and things are learned. Also including notes and long-term goals


Make tutorial on how to properly add a new page

History log


  • First update in a long time
  • Fixed an link in Auto Tune post
  • Updated ‘About’ page
  • Added DnD Hub
  • Formatted projects page
  • Updated resume

——- OLD

8/5/19: Repo initially created. Awaiting DNS propogation before really diving in. Planning on getting more familiar with GitHub in the upcoming days. Likely that little actual development work will happen until HTTPS is figured out

  • I’m planning on using Jekyll as the basis for my design. As such, I’ll be looking through and making inquiries based on what I find there
  • I hope that within a week or so I can have one or two interesting pages written

8/6/19 GOALS: - Add a new page for resume [DONE] - Add an ‘about me’ page [DONE]


  • Still seeing redirect issue. Was hoping it’s resolved - not sure if this is user error or DNS proprogation time, as previously mentioned
  • Additional difficulties come in the form of working on a business laptop without admin priveleges.
  • Ruby, Gems, and Jekyll have successfully been installed
  • Sample Jekyll blog up and running (following
  • Main repository now reflects sample blog -


  • Should have forked jekyll instead of downloading + copying.
  • Use local editing more + commit less. This was really just a symptom of the setup. I already understand this from SVN

8/7/19 GOALS: -Embed resume PDF into website -Type up basic information into ‘about me’ -Learn about data structures (Will be ongoing effort). Maybe make study plan? -Do more local testing/running to reduce commits
-For 8/8/19 - make blog post w/ proper formatting on hysteresis

	-Embedded PDF resume done! thanks to
	-About Me page written - with coding experience right now. More to come later and refining the coding experience
	-Jekyll set up for local testing
		-Following and using GitHub for Desktop
	-Blog post made for Hysteresis

	-Minor changes have been made that were not previously logged
		-Added Writing Samples Page
	-Finishing optical theremin blog post
	-Added several writing samples
	-Added some mathematical algorithm repo links to 'Projects' page
	-Added two basic python programs
	-Begin development of word cloud program in python